Penguin Music School End of Year Concert / Sene sonu Konseri
Degerli Velilerimiz ve Sevgili Ogrencilerimiz,
Sene sonu konserimiz 21 Haziran 2015 Pazar, saat 18:30 -20:00 saatleri arasinda gerceklesecektir.
Sene boyunca ABRSM sinavlarina giren tum ogrencilerimiz hunerlerini gosterecek.Konser sonunda okulumuzun tum ogretmenleri de sahneye cikarak performans sergileyecektir. Hepinizi bekliyoruz! Konser Detaylari:
Adres- The Old Church ( Clissold Park’in kosesinde, St Mary New Church un tam karsisinda) Stoke Newington, N16 9ES Bilet Fiyati: £5 (Yetiskinler icin) Tum cocuklar ve ogrenciler icin ucretsizdir.
Penguin Music School End of Year Concert!
Dear Parents and Students, you are all invited to our grade students performances! It will be held on the 21st of June Sunday from 6:30 until 8:30 pm. All of our students who enters the ABRSM exam this year will perform. Please share this great experince with us and support our students!
Full Details:
Location- The Old Church (is on the corner of Clissold Park; opposite St Mary’s New Church) Stoke Newington, N16 9ES Ticket Price: £5 for Adults, Free for Students & Children